National Service & Volunteering

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Service cultivates citizens. Service compels young people out of their comfort zones, allowing them to serve alongside people of different races, ethnicities, backgrounds, and beliefs toward a shared goal. Through service and volunteering, individuals also build skills for future careers—an understanding of others, the dignity of work and discipline, a sense of personal agency to effect change, and an ability to work in teams. Making national service an expectation—a new American rite of passage from youth to adulthood—will renew and redefine for this generation the role of citizens in our democracy, promote an understanding of rights and responsibilities, and cultivate the leaders that our communities and nation need to tackle our toughest challenges across our differences.

Target Milestones:
January 8, 2024

Why We Serve Symposium with Utah Governor Spencer Cox

The Why We Serve Symposium served as a platform for leaders, policymakers, and citizens to engage in a dialogue about the transformative power of service and explore innovative solutions for building stronger, more resilient communities and restoring the fabric of American democracy.

Expanding Youth Community Service Opportunities

Through a new national plan, More Perfect aims to create a more efficient and effective way to expand paid service opportunities for young people of all backgrounds in communities nationwide. The effort will leverage the expertise and experience of community service programs such as City Year, YouthBuild and The Corps Network.

President George H.W. Bush on Timeless American Values

George H.W. Bush's first inaugural address emphasized the timelessness of national programs.

President Obama on the Meaning of Citizenship

Barack Obama shared how he discovered the importance of citizenship and how the Americorps leads Americans to this same discovery.

Reagan on the American Spirit

Ronald Reagan spoke about how service is ingrained in the history of the United States, and how a dedication to giving back should be restored.

President Kennedy Establishes the Peace Corps

John F. Kennedy described the enriching benefits and long lasting impact of Peace Corps.

Will America Embrace National Service?

A report examining the case for national service, highlighting the various ways in which that service could unfold, and concluding that large-scale national service is needed in America now.

Just like the Great Depression, we need 500,000 service year jobs now

We should enact an Emergency Service to Nation Jobs effort to engage 500,000 young people in a year of service to put them to work and meet the nation’s pressing needs.

We Need National Service. Now.

The formative moment for a new generation.

What a call to service could look like during a pandemic

We have heard presidents calling on the American people to give back to their country. Today, the U.S. faces a crisis unlike any in living memory: a global pandemic that is changing how we live..

Lincoln's Call to Service—and Ours

A proposal that would help young Americans understand that civic duty is not restricted to the military.
January 8, 2024

Why We Serve Symposium with Utah Governor Spencer Cox

The Why We Serve Symposium served as a platform for leaders, policymakers, and citizens to engage in a dialogue about the transformative power of service and explore innovative solutions for building stronger, more resilient communities and restoring the fabric of American democracy.

Expanding Youth Community Service Opportunities

Through a new national plan, More Perfect aims to create a more efficient and effective way to expand paid service opportunities for young people of all backgrounds in communities nationwide. The effort will leverage the expertise and experience of community service programs such as City Year, YouthBuild and The Corps Network.